Saturday, July 10, 2010


Fun and relaxing activities drain the stress out of one's system because one’s mind becomes occupied with the new activity and certain hormones such as endorphins are released which place the body into a natural state of “ecstasy”.

To help you de-stress do fun things such as:

  • Watch a movie, play games, make dinner or lunch, read a good book, go for a long drive, go into the country or to the beach, etc.
  • Spend time on your hobbies: Painting, writing, singing and playing an instrument.
  • Listen to positive relaxing music. Instrumental or love songs.
  • Try to go for a family picnic at least once a month.


Write down three fun things that relax you.
Plan: when you will do them this month.

I have fun often
I make time to have fun
I enjoy my life