Friday, June 11, 2010

Rest and relaxation

Through maintaining a balanced rest and relaxation program you can reduce a build-up of stress.
Here are 4 things you can do:

1. Rest for at least one full day per week. Doctors and psychologists advise that one have at least a full days rest every seven days. The opportunity to do no work for at least a whole day every week, allows the body and mind to rest enough to face the next week of work.

2. Get between 5-9 hours of sleep per night. Each person requires a different amount of sleep. How much you need can be determined by starting with 10 hours the first night. If you struggle to fall asleep the next night, after an average day's work, then 10 hours was too much. Reduce to 9.5 hours the next night, and keep reducing the amount of sleep by half an hour every night, until you fall asleep easily at night. During times of greater stress, one may need more sleep than normal.

3. Relax for at least 1 hour every day. Having time at the end of a busy day to relax is crucial. This may be difficult if one has chores at home and children to care for. If possible parents need to take turns with the children to allow the other parent to have time alone, especially on weekends. On weeknights, sometimes chores need to be neglected in order to relax.

4. Get away for a long weekend once every three months. Taking a Friday and Monday off regularly and getting away to the country or the "bush" is extremely healthy. It helps one to forget about the challenges at home or work and gives one time to recreate and recharge.

What can you do to maintain a balanced rest and relaxation program?

Be all you can be.